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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

How to get a better nights sleep? yawn!!!

I thought it best to compose this post while being wide awake at 15 minutes past midnight!

So is your sleep poor? Is it very broken ? Do you find yourself laying in bed waiting to fall asleep?

Yes to the above? well the top tips I usually give to my patients are as follows:

1) Another cup? Be careful of how much caffeine you drink - avoid drinks such as tea and coffee as soon as the evening hits. A warm milky drink is the best policy.

2) Exercise is good for you ! - During the day it is very healthy but just before bed it can keep you wired and adrenaline pumped for the next few hours and thus affect sleep too.

3) Your bedroom is your sanctuary ! Keep it that way - make it a tranquil, calm and serene place to aid and encourage rest and relaxation. Ban that TV from your room

4) Have a soak ! A warm bath and aroma oils help you relax after that long and winding day - Go on! you deserve it - yes that includes the men aswell!

5) Don't stress!! If you're stressed for whatever reason sleep will be affected in more ways than one.  Leave your tensions outside the bedroom door. Chill before bed and playing the music of your choice can be a good wind down.

6) See someone like me ! - If the above fail to help then consult your GP and have chat re: medicinal options that can be issued in the short term to help re-set your body clock and give you a better night's slumber.

Nighty night and it's over and out from me for now Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-)

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